
  • 07/07/2024:Sunday Thoughts
  • 06/07/2024:Friends Encourage all the young men / women to take this course. in Bengaluru/ Vizag/Hyderabad.
  • 06/07/2024:Thank you for joining hands to empower rural youth with therapist course
  • 06/07/2024:NGO partner, SEED-USA Sayed Mazhar Husaini visited abhaya foundation
  • 05/07/2024:inaugurated ask at Dharmavaram,AP
  • 04/07/2024:PROJECT SURDAS
  • 04/07/2024:Free tuition centers serving govt school kids at 30 locations in 4 states
  • 04/07/2024:Driving class resumed at abhaya CCL Campus,ATP
  • 04/07/2024:Thank you abhaya SoulDear for being monthly donor
  • 3/7/2024:Review visit to abhaya yuva campus, Bengaluru
  • 03/07/2024:Visit to national association for blind karnataka
  • 30/06/2024:congratulations to team india for the T20 World cup
  • 30/06/2024:inaugurated tailoring center for 36 women at irukulla ,KMMgr Dist, TG
  • 30/06/2024:34 sewing machines distributed at Garrepally, Peddalli Dist,TG
  • 28/06/2024:abhaya bhavita @Quthballapur & ibrahimapatnam